0.4.0 - Completed Draft!

Hi, folks!

Back with another update, probably the last one for a bit until I send things in for editing (there's a 7 day delay for being able to cash out from itch, plus however long that actually ends up taking - and it can take longer than a week - plus Fi's schedule availability) but!

All six picaresques are now done! I had a blast writing up encounters that throw you into someone else's adventure, and I was absolutely spoiled for choice. Before I talk about there, here's the new spreads!

So! That's six ways to start your adventure as picaroons featuring adventures from Alex Damaceno (The Goblin Caves), Lucas Rolim (Petrified Sorcerer), Chris Bissette (The Calamitous Creation of the Guild of Mechanised Artistry), M.A. Guax (Above the Monkey God), N. Masyk (DOOMCRAWL #1: Saffron), and Sin Posadas (Hark! Says the Frog Magus)!

I had so much fun writing these and reading a dozen or more adventures during research, I think might just go ahead and do a bonus booklet of just these! If you want to see a little bit more in depth what was going on with the design you can check out these twitter threads (first, second) or just crack open a copy and read for yourself!

Til next time, folks!


Picaroons - EPUB 11 kB
Aug 28, 2021
Picaroons - Single Page PDF 7 MB
Aug 28, 2021
Picaroons - Spreads PDF 7 MB
Aug 28, 2021

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