A Third Friendly Sponsor!

Hi, folks!

Back with a very short update mainly to say that we have a new friendly sponsor!  You can find Zeshio on Twitter, Patreon, and here on Itch!

I do want to call out  his kickass adventure zine, The Curse of the Dread Pirate Zarr! It's a rad system agnostic adventure which might be the only PDF format I actually like for digital, leaning away from print and entirely towards being fully readable and usable on a phone! It has button links, is actually navigable, and looks incredible. More than that, this zine includes an entire town with cross purposes and adventure around every corner.

In fact,  here's a short picaresque for it!

Mutiny in the Brinewater Bay

You were hired as deckhands and guards for crossing the perilous Cyclopean Straits to Brinewater aboard the Urchin's Glory. Unfortunately, the whole crew has been restless and malcontent bordering on furious as Captain Thomas grew increasingly erratic after a battle with the rock-throwing giants which damaged the ship.  As the ship slides into Brinewater's bary just after dawn, the crew has had enough. On deck (d6):
  1. A half dozen mutineers advance on Captain Thomas, knives and clubs in hand
  2. Captain Thomas shoots the first mate, laughing
  3. Captain Thomas begins to sing, a crooning lullaby, as the crew advances nervously
  4. The mutineers argue furiously amongst themselves, trying to figure out how to restrain the Captain
  5. A mutineer shoots the Captain in the face; it crumbles and falls away, revealing carved granite beneath
  6. A battle breaks out on the deck between mutineers and the officers, fists and feet flying

That's all for now! More news and whatnot as it comes in!


Picaroons - EPUB 1.4 MB
Sep 18, 2021
Picaroons - Single Page PDF 7 MB
Sep 18, 2021
Picaroons - Spreads PDF 7 MB
Sep 18, 2021

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